Canyon Tree Farms Inc
Establishment at 1063 Ketch Rd, Fort Saint James, BC V0J 1P0, Canada. Here you will find detailed information about Canyon Tree Farms Inc: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
1063 Ketch Rd
Fort Saint James
British Columbia V0J 1P0
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+1 250-996-7711
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Canyon Tree Farms Inc - Angus Bulls, Angus Breeder, Breeding Stock and All Natural Beef Products, Fort St. James, British Columbia, Canada
Canyon Tree Farms Inc is a ranch in the wilderness interior of British Columbia where we raise Angus beef cattle. We sell Angus bulls and Angus breeding stock and natural Angus meat sales including jerky and sausage, Fort St. James, British Columbia, Canada
Canyon Tree Farms Inc, black angus, Angus Breeder, Angus bulls, Angus natural beef, Angus purebred bulls, Angus herd sires, Angus breeding stock, Angus beef, Angus sides of beef, Angus meat, Angus sausage, Angus jerky, Angus organic beef, central interior, 100 mile diet, local Fort St. James, British Columbia, B.C., BC, Canada
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22:00 -2 ℃ 1012 hPa 81 % 2 m/s